By welcoming you in our park, we make a commitment for your safety in :
- Supply quality personal protective equipment and in existing standards.
- Verify the installation of harnesses on every customer by one of our organizers(presenters).
- Supply gants.-Explain all the safety instructions during a briefing, and validate them on a course of initiation.
- Assure the surveillance of courses, and intervene in trees in case of difficulties.
- Proceed to the statutory displays: diplomas, price, internal rules.
- Sign a professional third-party insurance.
- Be declared with the Ministry of Youth and Sports as sports establishment (N ET001232)
- In a general way to respect the standard of exploitation AFNOR NF EN 15567-2 (exploitation of acrobatic course in height).
Commitment quality
- Respect the standard AFNOR NF EN 15567-1 (construction of acrobatic course in height).
- Make realize annually a plant control of trees.
- Make realize annually a security check by an independent certified body.
- Make in house a weekly control of our courses.
- Check personal protective equipment according to the recommendations manufacturers.
- Hold the bus lane
We adhere to the SNEPA (National Syndicate of the Developers of Acrobatic Parks), and we join their quality approach.
Our staff
- Require from our staff that he is formed to the techniques of first aids (AFP).
- Train specifically our organizers in the activity.